Poliția Municipiului Mangalia a desfășurat o acțiune de amploare pentru asigurarea ordinii publice și prevenirea infracționalității. Conform Ziarul Amprenta, operațiunea, denumită „Blocada”, a avut loc pe 27 decembrie 2024. În cadrul acțiunii, oamenii legii au legitimat 53 de persoane și au verificat 24 de vehicule. De asemenea, au fost inspectate 5 săli de jocuri de […]
The text indicates that a service is currently unavailable due to exceeding the allowed request limit ("Too Many Requests"). This likely refers to an attempt to access information related to a news story about police in Constanta, Romania, cracking down on illegal gambling operations.
The main conceptual idea is that the service (potentially a news website or API) is temporarily inaccessible because it's been bombarded with too many requests, possibly due to the high public interest in the news story.
The text indicates that a service is currently unavailable due to exceeding the allowed request limit ("Too Many Requests"). This likely refers to an attempt to access information related to a news story about police in Constanta, Romania, cracking down on illegal gambling operations. The main conceptual idea is that the service (potentially a news website or API) is temporarily inaccessible because it's been bombarded with too many requests, possibly due to the high public interest in the news story.